Astromancy & Magic for Mystic Creatives


Orphic Astrology is an astral devotional practice that cultivates intimate relationships with the stars as celestial beings. It is a visionary practice of working with the heavenly spheres as rooted in Orphic and Hermetic principles, incorporating ancestral theurgic cosmologies and encompassing Embodiment thru Enchantment.

Through studying the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Hellenistic, Persian and Jyotish traditions I have come to incorporate a variety of techniques to help assess life periods and gifts, along with one’s guardian spirits and guiding stars.

As a professional counseling astrologer certified in the Electional, Hellenistic and Horary branches of astrology, I offer a variety of consultations catered to suit your needs. My specialty is working with clients in a safe space to unravel their own unique self-empowering connection to the astral realms and with their own personal magic.

To learn more about my background, including lineage of teachers, please check out my About page and my personal Blog.

Scroll down to read more about the services I am currently offering:

  • In the Dragon's Lair

    This seasonal offering is catered to address and remediate the nativity in relation to the eclipses. It is meant for cultivating clarity and understanding around the topics specific to your chart by looking at the transiting nodal axis apropos the activated time lords thru triplicity rulership, profection, firdariyyah and zodiacal releasing, solar to lunar and other planetary returns, plus the fixed stars, lunar mansions and hermetic lots that may pertain.

  • The Follow Up

    This is a follow up session for those who have received consultations in the past and want to check in. It allows us to assess the astrology and to touch base with each other.

    *Only available to those who have already received readings from me.

  • Solar Revolution

    A detailed forecast of the year ahead covering key transits of the activated Time Lord(s) for the profected year along with an overview of the anlunar returns and monthly revolutions, the months of destiny, joy and burden, the progressed lunar phase as well as the fardars and zodiacal releasing. Includes a written doc with charts drawn up for each month of the year.

  • Gennisi: Orphic Nativity Analysis

    An indepth reading of the nativity, covering any questions the querent has by identifying the Predominator (Epikratetor/Hilaj/hyleg), the Master of the Nativity (Oikodespotes/al-Kadkhudah/Alcochoden), and Lord of the Nativity (Kurios/al-Mubtazz/Almuten). We unravel your special gifts and talents through the Lord of Hidden Knowledge, the Hermetic Lots and others such as the Lot of Mastery & Magical Ability, plus your prominent Fixed Stars and parans. Timing is considered through an overview of the progressed lunar phase and current profection year in relation to your Solar Revolutions, Zodiacal Releasing and Firdariyyah. Includes a written doc.

  • Natal Chart Rectification

    If you do NOT have a record of your exact birth time or if the hour of your birth is in question.

  • Horary

    Have a yes or no question concerning a lost item, work or finances, matters of relationships, when or if to travel, etc? Horary is astromancy based on the configuration of the planets charted at the moment the quesited is received.

  • Oneiromancy

    There are 3 types of dreams: the true or prophetic, the ancestral, and the subconscious processing. In this session we employ traditional astrological oneiromancy techniques to help clarify/discern a dream's merit/significance.

    Before booking, please take a moment to recall the dream in question and describe it in as much detail as possible in the intake form.

    A horary is cast for the moment the dream description is received on my end. We will then meet to go over the interpretation.

  • Electional

    Elect the most auspicious hour and date to launch a project, initiate important matters or celebrate special events.

  • Chamber of the Magoi

    A specialized reading for experienced or aspiring astromancers and mages wanting to go deeper with their personal daimons as identified through the Hermetic Lots, Arabic Parts and fixed stars. We explore how to develop your spiritual gifts and magical talents as divined by your personal stellar entourage as well as how to work with the lots and stars through timing techniques such as profections, zodiacal releasing and progressions.

  • Celestial Altars of the Stellar Court

    This specialized consultation serves as a guide for developing a relationship with your own spark of divinity (Genius) as seen through your personal stars or Stellar Court, and how to set up your Celestial Altars for theurgic and thaumaturgic practice. Covers the Hermetic Lots and other Arabic Parts, the Fixed Stars, Lunar Mansions and more.

  • The Nekya

    As a form of necromancy, we perform the Nekya by conjuring the ghosts of the 4th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses, analyzing their triplicity lords, the lunar nodes and specific Lots (including but not limited to the Lot of Ancestors, Lot of Mother, Lot of Grandparents) to uncover insights for intergenerational healing and ancestral wisdom. Ideal for understanding one's relationship with their forbearers and how to work with them.

  • The Katabasis

    The Katabasis is an intensive consultation that gently integrates the Shadow Self by consciously venturing into the otherworld of the "Dark Places" (the 12th, 6th, 8th and 4th Houses). Through the triplicty and domicile lords of the houses, as well as Fixed Star parans and key Lots like the Lot of Necessity, the Lot of Nemesis, the Lot of Wisdom & Understanding among others, we deepen our awareness around the heavier topics of life and allow for their holistic integration.

  • Geomancy

    Geomancy conducts a divination on a particular question or concern by casting a sortilage of sixteen figures. The reading explores each pertinent figure along with geomantic remediations and/or supplementary ritual suggestions customized for the querent.

  • Tarot

    A nine card spread working with either the Marigold, Marseille, Telezma, Rider-Waite-Smith deck, or a combination of any of these.

I now offer all of my consultations at a Sliding Scale to help make my services accessible to those in need. If you have any questions regarding payment or which session to book, please email me:

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Non est ad astra mollis e terris via

There is no easy way from the earth to the stars
— Seneca