The 15 Behenian Stars
Projected Tropical Zodiacal Longitude of the Behenian Stars, 22 September 2022
Projected Zodiacal Longitudes of the Behenian Stars as of April 2024:
Algol (Beta Persei) 26°29’ tropical Taurus, 02°19’ sidereal Taurus
Alcyone (Eta Tauri) 00°19’ tropical Gemini, 06°08’ sidereal Taurus
Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) 10°07’ tropical Gemini, 15°56’ sidereal Taurus
Capella (Alpha Aurigae) 22°11’ tropical Gemini, 28°00’ sidereal Taurus
Sirius (Alpha Canis Majoris) 14°24’ tropical Cancer, 20°13’ sidereal Gemini
Procyon (Canis Minor) 26°06’ tropical Cancer, 01°56’ sidereal Cancer
Regulus (Alpha Leonis) 00°09’ tropical Virgo, 05°59’ sidereal Leo
Alkaid (Eta Ursae Majoris) 27°16’ tropical Virgo, 03°05’ sidereal Virgo
Algorab (Delta Corvi) 13°47’ tropical Libra, 19°36’ sidereal Virgo
Spica (Alpha Virginis) 24°10’ tropical Libra, 29°59’ sidereal Virgo
Arcturus (Alpha Boötis) 24°33’ tropical Libra, 00°23’ sidereal Libra
Alphecca (Alpha Coronae Borealis) 12°37’ tropical Scorpio, 18°27’ sidereal Libra
Antares (Alpha Scorpii) 10°05’ tropical Sagittarius, 15°54’ sidereal Scorpio
WegaVega (Alpha Lyra) 15°38’ tropical Capricorn, 21°27’ sidereal Sagittarius
Deneb Algedi (Delta Capricorni) 23°52’ tropical Aquarius, 29°41’ sidereal Capricorn
The Behenian Stars are the fifteen fixed stars considered potent for astrological magic. Each corresponds with a sigil, planet, plant and gemstone, which are incorporated in rituals to invoke the star’s influences.
The name is derived from behenii, the Latin translation of the Arabic bahman, meaning “root”. In the order of the celestial spheres they are above the planetary spheres. Therefore the fixed stars are rooted to the wandering stars (planetos). Renaissance astrologers regarded the fixed stars to be the link between the “Divine World of Ideas and Angels and the Material World”.
Agrippa attributes their lore to Hermes Trismegistus, while the 19th century Egyptologist Sir E.A. Wallis Budge credits the ancient Sumerians for the source of their significance.
Aside from astrological talismanic magic, the fixed stars are also considered in horary and traditional horoscopic astrology for supplying deeper analysis, and in electional astrology for ensuring permanence and success.
Johannes Kepler’s Mysterium Cosmographicum, 1596
“I have said elsewhere that down from every single star there hangs its own series of things down to the lowest....
Under the celestial Serpent or the entire constellation of the Serpent-bearer, they place Saturn and sometimes Jupiter, afterwards daemons who often take on serpent’s form, in addition men of this kind, serpents (the animals), the snake-weed, the stone draconite which originates in the head of a dragon, and the stone commonly called serpentine....
By a similar system they think a chain of beings descends by levels from any star of the firmament through any planet under its dominion.”