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Katabasis & Anagénnisi: Working with Chthonic Hermes During Mercury Retrograde


Katabasis comes from the Greek term Kατάβασις, meaning "a descent into the underworld, or a literary account of such a journey to the land of the dead, constituting a temporary visit followed by an anabasis (ascent)." Anagénnisi comes from the Greek Αναγέννηση which means "rebirth" or "regeneration".

As evening star Mercury nears the end of their revolution around the Sun, the planet approaches Earth in orbit and from our perspective appears to slow down and reverse before disappearing in the heart of the Sun to finally re-emerge as a morning star on the eastern horizon. Mercury retrograde is the period of its synodic cycle that parallels the descent into the underworld, activating their psychopomp role to guide spirits through death and rebirth.

In this workshop we unpack Mercury's alchemical and astrological significance as a chthonic deity, and how to relate with them through ritual and devotional practice to optimize or remediate the natal promise.

An overview of Mercury's mythos and origins will be presented along with astronomical observations of the planet. Astrological techniques such as the Lots that are divined by Mercury, as well as triplicity, bound and decan rulership will also be covered to help participants deepen their understanding of Mercury's role in their own nativity. We will then spend the remainder of time making an offering to Hermes through invocations and petitions while Mercury is in the heart of the Sun.

Who this is for: Anyone who wants to deepen or strengthen their relationship with Mercury (Hermes) for personal self-growth and transformation or for facilitating death-work, soul retrieval, and other transmutational spiritual practices. All levels of experience are welcome to participate, though some advanced astrological techniques will be discussed (there will be space to ask questions). Please share with those you feel would be interested.

When: Sunday 18 August 2024

Time: 6:00 PM BST (10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT)

Duration: approximately 90-120min

Cost: $35 (US) / $25 (US) for patrons


*all registrants will receive the recording of the workshop for replay

Featured art on flyer by Julia Kadel

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