La Botánica
Hounon Houna
Alafia et Elatchè
La Botánica Hounon Houna offers the finest selection of ritual ingredients and tools found in the markets of Dahomey (Bénin Republic), as well as traditional vodou talismans and materia handmade by Howatan “Segbo-Lissa” Hounon and Naji Hounon. Each product is carefully crafted by Segbo-Lissa and Naji using time-honored plant knowledge, recipes and practices passed down by his father, the Supreme Chief of Vodou, Dada Daagbo Hounon Houna II and other esteemed elders.
Born into a prominent family of the priestly caste in Ouidah and raised in their Indigenous ways of ancestral veneration and traditional spiritual culture of Vodun Hwendo, Segbo-Lissa is a Zangbeto Kpamingan (Zangbeto high priest), Hounnongan (Ekambada high priest), and an adept of various vodoun covenants who specializes in natural remedies, traditional talismans and spirit conjure.
Naji Hounon was raised by their maternal grandparents in Central America. Brought up with folk catholicism, Naji was taught ancestral veneration, espiritismo and plant medicine from an early age by their abuelas. Initiated into Vodun Hwendo by Dada Daagbo Hounon Houna II in 2016, Naji has been residing at his majesty’s temple palace grounds since 2020 and is a high priestess of Nayete-Lissa, Mami Sika, Legba, Ayida Weddo, Hoxo, Toxosu and other vodoun of their spirit court. All of the products the Hounons prepare are blessed and consecrated in their family temples to be infused with Alafia (a state of peace and well-being) and Elatchè (power, life force, authority and command).